Event Details

Series 04, Part 3

Maintaining Standards During the Learning Curve

Join us for the third instalment of our Colorectal Robotic Surgery Webinar Series, "From Basic Skills To Fine Art - Maintaining Standards During The Learning Curve".

Save the date: Thursday, October 19th, at 17:00 CEST | 16:00 BST.

Who Should Attend?

Colorectal surgeons, consultants, trainees, and those invested in maintaining standards during the colorectal robotic surgical learning curve and the wider benefits of doing so.

Why Attend?

Enhance your practice by joining a dedicated webinar, open to surgeons, consultants, and researchers eager to maintain high standards amidst the learning journey. This session will provide a unique opportunity to network with peers, gain insights from leaders in the field, and develop your surgical practice through learned best practices.

Delve into an insightful 75-minute session where our renowned panel will explore pivotal aspects of maintaining standards during the robotic surgery learning curve. Topics will navigate through in-person proctoring, telementoring, and other essential adjuncts in surgical training, providing a thorough understanding of each aspect.

Our Programme Includes:

Introduction: Samson Tou (UK)

Presentations by:

โ€ข In-person proctoring: Marta Pascual (ES)

โ€ข Telementoring: Silje Bakken Gill (NO)

โ€ข Adjuncts in surgical training: Kapil Sahnan (UK)

Commentator: Gabriela Mรถslein (DE)

Moderated by: Gabrielle van Ramshorst (BE), Marcos Gรณmez Ruiz (ES)

Discussions and Live Q&A

17:00 CEST | 16:00 BST

Connect, learn, and progress with the latest in colorectal robotic surgery. Register for the webinar and join us in advancing colorectal surgery, enhancing knowledge, and improving patient outcomes across the board.


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